Gucci Dionysus AAA Replica Suede Top Handle Bag with Bee Brown (SuperM-71910)
- Material: High-quality Suede
- Size: 27*18*13cm
- Color: Bee Brown
- Feature: Top handle with bee embellishment
- Design: AAA Replica of Gucci Dionysus style
AAA Replica is a top quality replica bag supplier in China. We have reasonable prices and guaranteed quality. We have been engaged in this industry for over 5 years, with customers covering the world and gaining a good reputation. We also have sufficient strength to serve global retail and wholesale customers.
We use PaPal billing for payment, which is a 100% secure payment method.
After confirming payment, our order processing time is 3 working days, and then we will ship it, which will require an additional 7-10 working days for delivery to your doorstep.
Usually, we use FedEx, DHL, and EMS services, which are faster and safer.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us,
My customer service email: [email protected]